The Brain, Learning, and Creativity Notes

Sleep is your Superpower

How do our bodies tell the difference of when we are staying up during day/nighttime? Is it related to sunlight?
If so, is this consistent with weather changes?

Sleeping before learning, and after learning primes your brain, and saves the knowledge you’ve been introduced to

Sleep deprivation restricts the ability to commit new experiences and knowledge to memory

Links have been formed between Alzheimer’s, aging, decreased brain function and lack of sleep

Direct current brain stimulation can be used to increase memory benefit in young adult through increasing the brain wave sizes

24 percent increase in heart attacks in spring for daylight savings///and 21 percent decrease in “fall back” time

Natural killer cells///immune deficiency has been linked to cancer strongly—–night shift work is constituted as a probable carcinogen


Regular, quality sleep, is an important factor in maintaining health. Lack of sleep has been correlated to an array of illnesses and physical and mental disadvantages in terms of function.

Learn Better Practicing Techniques from Dr. Molly Gebrian


How long of a break from material is too long when the struggle to recall material is inherent to the memorization process?
Is there such thing as too long?


The more breaks you take when learning something helps you. learn it faster and remember it longer—-constant practicing is counter intuitive

Segmentation+ recall= permanency.

Early learning activates prefrontal cortex, while the processing and memorization activates different areas of the brain

Biggest benefits come from taking breaks over a span of days

Practicing something/memorizing something before sleep

Taking breaks helps maximize memorization

Use expanded schedules. the more complex the task, the longer the break from the task should be

3 practice session a day is ideal


Practicing in strategic ways which consider the body’s needs (such as sleep) can influence and possibly increase the memory of ideas/activities/concepts. If one is setting out to memorize something which would be difficult for them, they should incorporate a schedule which encourages them to recall things after having distanced themselves.